Tuition & Fee Waivers

Tuition Waivers

Tuition waiver types and policies governing tuition waivers can be found in the Graduate College Handbook

Fee Waivers

Graduate students who hold waiver-generating appointments will receive fee waivers as outlined in the table below.

Additional information about fees is available on the Office of the Registrar website.  


Fall/Spring Semester Student Fees
(Based on 12+ Hour Enrollment)

Amount Per Semester (24-25 Rates)

Amount Waived with Waiver-Generating Appointment

Student Portion

Service Fee


Fully Waived


General Fee




Health Insurance Fee




Health Service Fee


Fully Waived


Transportation Fee


Fully Waived


Student Initiated Fees






Fully Waived


Library and Information Technology Fee


Fully Waived


International Student Fee


Fully Waived (if assessed)
