Hormone Function and Risk Factors in Perinatal Depression and Anxiety

Extensive research in women’s health has been conducted to evaluate hormone function in depressive and anxiety disorders. Given the wide array of hormone fluctuations that are specific to the perinatal period, it is necessary to investigate the role of hormone function in the context of perinatal mental health. This research project reviews the current published research on the relationship between hormonal function, of oxytocin and cortisol, and depression and anxiety during the perinatal period. Because psychosocial factors may contribute to the development of perinatal depression and anxiety, this project also reviewed known risk factors. Through a comprehensive review of the literature, this project served two functions: to describe the relationship between cortisol and oxytocin in symptoms of perinatal depression and anxiety and to identify risk factors that have been considered in association with depressive and anxious symptoms over the perinatal period.

Valeria Duran
Pitzer College
Human Biology
Research Advisor
Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo
Department of Research Advisor
Kinesiology & Community Health
Year of Publication